katrin heide übersetzungen

Katrin Heide translations and text services

In 2007, I received my degree from the Humboldt University in Berlin as an accredited translator and interpreter for English and Spanish.

In the following years, I lived in Great Britain and worked as a translator and a project manager in a translations office. I am an experienced foreign-language secretary and have worked for distinguished companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers.


  • English-German
  • Spanish-German

Professional Text Service

  • Editorial Work: German
  • Proofreading: German
  • Transcription: German, English, Spanish

Language Instruction

  • German as a foreign language

I enjoy challenges, am always eager to familiarise myself with new topics and can offer you high quality professional translations.

My main area of translation has centred on juridical/ political content for human rights and legal organisations from English and Spanish into German. Click here to see examples of my work and references.

Political, social and cultural commitments are important to me, therefore I support selected NGOs by translating free of charge.

I will gladly give you a free quote without obligation.